Monday, March 19, 2012


What am I doing?  Really, I have no idea how to do this but a friend of mine recently started her own blog and it sounded like a good idea to me.  I am 35 and a mother to two children, a 10 year old boy and a 6 month old little girl.  I know quite the age gap there!  My husband and I are also trying to get pregnant with another; this girl isn’t getting any younger!  I guess I just want a place that I can point to and document my progress the good, great, and even sometimes the bad.  I have always wanted to be kinder to my planet and to my own family throughout my lifetime.  I hope that with this keeping me more accountable I will be able to make good strides towards the goals that I have.  I also eventually hope that I can share some of my favorite products, do giveaways, and maybe even help someone else with being a little greener!  I really started thinking seriously about being greener once my daughter was born and we switched to cloth diapers, which I didn’t realize would start a change to the other areas of my family’s life! 

About Me

I'm a baby wearing, nursing, stay at home mom, MLIS graduate student, just to name a few of the many hats I wear. I am just someone who is trying to be a kinder to our planet.