Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Life is confusing and hard and the rule book  doesn't really apply to all sistuation  why does every single bible verse have so many interpretations?  I guess if it really was this easy as being able to read one thing and have to do it right.....but I guess that is no free choice  and no real freedom we need both to grow into the person would have us becomeL. Thank The Lord that he loves me enough that I have need able to screw up so many times,  my family is wonderful and if I had gotten everything I prayed for I would not have the wonderfamilt that I have.  I've been read a lot of fan fiction type stuff from Amish fiction and sometimes wonder if we are just movies too far away from the land our good lord gave us.

I pray for knowledg

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About Me

I'm a baby wearing, nursing, stay at home mom, MLIS graduate student, just to name a few of the many hats I wear. I am just someone who is trying to be a kinder to our planet.